Saturday, 23 April 2016

OUIL501 Cop 2: Research - NEWS UPDATE?

Recent article from last week about DEA Aproval of medical research, trials and medical Marijuana use for treatment of certain ailments in the US.

Article Link:

Article discusses the recent DEA approval of MAPS study into medical marijuana and PTSD. After 7 years attempting to get approval for said study MAPS have finally been given the green light. this marks a new era of medical marijuana research in the US. 

Dr. Sue Sisley will be leading the study. Sisley has faced many obstacles in her journey to this point. she was fired from her job at the University of Arizona by a conservative republican lawmaker. In addition there have been state senators that have attempted to quash the study, presumably to win the votes of their constituents. 

Validity of article

- reputable news website. 
- sources from MAPS and other reputable news sites

This article gives an insight into the obstacles in the way of psychedelic research today. This could be useful in highlighting some of the reasons that psychedelic research isn't mainstream in today's society. These kind of occurrences are detrimental to progress in this field and ultimately the progress of human knowledge and growth.