Monday, 25 April 2016

"Are you Wavy?" Survey roll out - Final Questions

Q1: Have you had any experience with psychoactive substances?

·      +ve (full)A Card 1: Yes
·      (mid) A Card 2: Don’t know / pass
·      -ve (b&w) A card 3: No

Q2: If yes, what kind of substance group have you had the most experience with?

·      +ve (full)A Card 1: Hallucinogens: Psilocybin, LSD, Salvia Divinorum, Cannabis, Nitrous Oxide
·      (mid) A Card 2: Euphoriants: MDMA, MDA, MKAT
·      -ve (b&w) A card 3: stimulants: Amphetamine, caffeine, cocaine, nicotine / depressants (inc. sedatives, hypnotics, narcotics): Alcohol, opioids

      If no / don’t know, what group of substances do you feel most likely to try in the

·      +ve (full)A Card 1: Hallucinogens: Psilocybin, LSD, Salvia Divinorum, Cannabis, Nitrous Oxide
·      (mid) A Card 2: Euphoriants: MDMA, MDA, MKAT
·      -ve (b&w) A card 3: stimulants: Amphetamine, caffeine, cocaine, nicotine / depressants (inc. sedatives, hypnotics, narcotics): Alcohol, opioids

Q3: Which substance group do you consider to be the most harmful? (taking into consideration mental, physical, spiritual health etc)

·      +ve (full)A Card 1: Hallucinogens: Psilocybin, LSD, Salvia Divinorum, Cannabis, Nitrous Oxide
·      (mid) A Card 2: Euphoriants: MDMA, MDA, MKAT
·      -ve (b&w) A card 3: stimulants: Amphetamine, caffeine, cocaine, nicotine / depressants (inc. sedatives, hypnotics, narcotics): Alcohol, opioids

Q4: Do you feel that all psychoactive substances should be made/kept illegal?

·      +ve (full)A Card 1: No
·      (mid) A Card 2: Unsure
·      -ve (b&w) A card 3: Yes

Q5: Do you feel psychoactive substances require further in-depth research into their true potential?

·      +ve (full)A Card 1: Yes
·      (mid) A Card 2: Unsure
·      -ve (b&w) A card 3: No

Q6: Would you consider being creative whilst under the influence?

·      +ve (full)A Card 1: Yes
·      (mid) A Card 2: Unsure / possibly
·      -ve (b&w) A card 3: No

Q7: What impact have psychoactive substances had on your creativity?

·      +ve (full)A Card 1: Positive
·      (mid) A Card 2: None
·      -ve (b&w) A card 3: Negative

Q8: What overall impact do you feel psychoactive substances have had on creative culture throughout history?

·      +ve (full)A Card 1: Positive
·      (mid) A Card 2: None
·      -ve (b&w) A card 3: Negative

Q9: Lastly, how have your overall experiences with psychoactive substances been?

·      +ve (full)A Card 1: Positive
·      (mid) A Card 2: Neutral
·      -ve (b&w) A card 3: Negative

If you have no experience of psychoactive substances, how would you expect your experience to be?

·      +ve (full)A Card 1: Positive
·      (mid) A Card 2: Neutral
·      -ve (b&w) A card 3: Negative

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