Thursday, 5 October 2017

Group Tutorial 1 & Presentation Feedback

Ideas and suggestions for further research:
  • Research into different languages and colour names / nomenclature, i.e: Russia - name for the colour of turquoise and the "shade test"
  • Ancient Greece - no name for the colour blue - explore
  • Dyslexia - how colour can be used for learning
  • For a more in depth insight into peoples emotional connections to colours - interview family and friends (as well as LAU survey)
  • Check out Charlie Peters paintings
  • Possible avenue - contact paint companies and ask how they name their paint colours. - Farrow & Ball - individual and unique approach to paint names
Ideas and suggestions for practical response:
  • Explore colours and their stories - association
  • Personalised swatches / paint names based on survey / interview outcomes and peoples personal stories and connections with colours
  • Respond to survey and interview results visually
  • Show people a range of colours / colour palettes and see how the audience respond.
  • Accurate yet realistic timeline - how much can I achieve with the time remaining? 
  • when to roll out survey, finish primary and secondary research, when to have interviews and begin practical work, etc
To do:
  • Create time line / project time frame for research and start of practical response
  • Define research question
  • Create set of interview questions for family and friends (or should i use the same questions that appear in my "Pick A Colour" survey?)