Tuesday, 3 October 2017

COP3 Primary Research - "Pick a Colour" Survey

In order to better understand our emotional connection with colours, how we use colours and how they impact our emotions / mood - I intend on rolling out a survey aimed at creatives at LAU. By aiming this survey at both students and lecturers at university, I hope to gain valuable material to respond visually, as well as information and interesting avenues to discuss and include within my essay.  - Stories, key memories and associations to do with our attachment to colour and how much it impacts our daily lives. 

Survey Draft Questions & Info:

- survey format (online - surveymonkey, printed physical flier?)
- timeline - when to roll this out
- ask for feedback on the questions - reduce / be more concise - what do I want to discover?
- is aiming this survey just at LAU too specific / bias? Should this be rolled out to the general public, and if so - how?