Saturday, 5 March 2016

Further CoP2 Ideas / practical / survey

OUIL501: Cop2 ideas

For survey:

Roll out to family to get a range of results - interesting!! Any patterns? Correlations between age / gender? Generation?
-Thoughts on the survey from participants including my family ? any notes and suggestions? successful? interesting? etc.
-BLOG THIS / ALL THEIR RESPONSES + thoughts on survey and topic of psychoactive substances and creativity / MY RESULTS + survey results / EMAILS to them / correspondence / whole process etc

Further ideas:
-Could create a digital "click" version for people to participate in online? fb test? survey?
-An animated version which people can view as a repeating gif online? made up of my final artwork pieces in their different colour palettes/tones/repetitions/arrangement of key features / colours. flashing to create an animation. any patterns to how psychedelic the results of t/ experience of the gif - to what i found for each participant in my survey results? are the people who answered more positively in the survey towards psychoactive substance - do their artworks in the gif create a more psychedelic experience when animated? what does this mean?
-does your experience with psychedelics impact your creativity? and vs versa
> When repeated and gif played….does the overall composition and sequence when played fast - merge the artwork finals together to create a psychedelic experience?

could test this by collating my final visual results and artworks from my “are you wavy” interactive survey and make the doc in aftereffects. each artwork (made of of the participants individual answer tiles) added as a new frame or layer - one after the other, to be played fast and repeated and manipulated to animate and warm/vortex?

could get all the mid answer participant final survey artworks and animate these independently. Could see how the animated gif results of these compare to the animated gif results of the vibrant more “positive” participant answer finals and tiles and the least/negative participant answer tiled final artworks. any patters? are the vibrant positive participant gifs more psychedelic than the b&w negative participant answer tiled final artworks?

the whole final image/tile for each participant (made up of the 9 (or more if a more complex survey made) answer tiles to the psychoactive questions - could flash in way that made it more or less trip/warp/vortex RESEARCH THIS AND SIMILAR GIFS AND ANIMATIONS _ BLOG THIS AND RESULTS ? LINKS TO VIDS!!)) depending on their results. each tile within the image itself on that layer could also be manipulated in terms of colour depending on the answer tile and how the person answered / its colour/its answer meaning reflected in tone (i.e. more positive towards psychedelics =more vibrant bright tones vs B=W for the negative responses to my survey questions)/its content/aesthetics/detail could be warped to take the shape of a more rorschach - eques compostition/ (what does this mean in terms of their personality and what they would score in a rorschach tests?)
-each tile could act as if on a different level from each other and / or the different levels could animate freely or as a group depending on the common type of participant answer
>(i.e- vibrant foreground “top level/layer of image” could show fast more animated moving elements /flases/ hues/ within the answer tiles that showed a more POSITIVE response (these tiles only on this layer - extract and have on a new layer/tile/frame/layer)
>the next layer down underneath this top vibrant layer could have a layer which showed lesser moving/animated/manipulated details made up of the individual tiled artworks with a half and half pallet from that individual participants final survey artwork taking/showing only the more “unsure” answers to my questions…
>and the bottom layer/frame/slide beneath these top two would be a final background layer / layer showing only the tiles in a b&w palette. the details of these tiles would be animated/slow motion/less/warped/less psychedelic /to reflect results of survey
to reflect results of rorschach imagery should this participant take it/respond to my sillier imagery and artwork test? to rorschach ink blot artwork most reflective of a more “negative” response to the original tests carried out?Explore and refer back to my research and findings about the original tests! reflective of a more negative response to rorschach test as well as the survey results and opinions of substances portrait completed by and made up of the participants and their results to my survey.

do the overall layered/manipulated/animated/GIF versions and generated creative visual experience made up of the survey results for each participant VISUALLY COMMUNICATE / CONVEY ANY CORRELATION / PATTERN to the results generated for their individual survey results and answers :
DOES A more vibrant artwork tile (to reflect a more positive answer to my survey question put to the participant) within the final survey artwork image for that survey participant (meaning most likely that psychoactive substances have had a greater impact on them and there creativity.) act as a creative device in relation to their other tiles within their image and their tone & connotation to answers) mean / show any conniptions / suggest any link / show that a more positive outlook towards psychoactive substances, their uses, their history, their effect/impact and their potential - determine a more psychedelic animation?

so the more positive towards psychedelics and their potential (as a whole and also more specifically shown in the participants survey answers to the questions more vibrant tiles in artwork — more positive?) the more psychedelic my artwork/animation/gif — made up of the participants final survey artwork visual tiles / whole results - manipulated and warped and animated to show, reflect, convey, explain, manipulate, exaggerate, change and excentuate these results and strengthen the overall message in my animated results and project and portrayal of findings?


OR DO THEY SHOW THAT SOCIETY AND MY PARTICIPANTS DONT KNOW MUCH ABOUT THEM/THEIR EFFECTS/IMPACT/POTENTIAL AND NEED TO BE EDUCATED AT LEAST? -new personal project to do just this and spread the good and true information about psychedelics, the experience and the potential. fuck the pharmaceutical companies and their damage to our wallets and health! applies for below aswel!….>
OR DO MY RESULT SHOW THAT THE MAJORITY OF PEOPLE ARE HAPPY WITH THE CURRENT EFFECTS /EFFORT/ TAX PAYERS MONEY BEING SPENT / WAR ON DRUGS / CONNOTATIONS OF THIS / ON SOCIETY/ CRIME/ HEALTH/ ECONOMY/ AND FEEL AS IF THEY ARE DANGEROUS AND SHOULD BE MADE/REMAIN ILLEGAL?research into this could consist of looking at countries such as portugal and amsterdam and states in the USA where drugs or some drugs (list and research into each individual type) are legal and look at the effects of these laws. effects on population? addiction? economy? jobs? money? poverty? creativity? whats coming out of the scene there? how are people reacting? had crime gone up or down? or people taking more or less drugs? is the drug problem more or less? -what can the rest of the worlds governments learn from this and implement? what does this mean for the future of these substances and laws surrounding them? for research and medicine?

additional question to ask participants in survey:
to follow on from current question: “do you feel as if psychoactive substances deserve more time and research into their potential? (could this be changed to: “do you feel as if we owe it to ourselves, to society and the progression of research, health, science and understanding of nature - to spend more time experiencing, researching into, learning more about and understanding the true potential of psychoactive substances?)….”
-new possible follow on question: “If yes or unsure, what group of psychoactive substances do you feel / would you deem as a priority/ is most important to research into and gain an understanding of first? Deem as having the most positive impact/ potential?
-medical potential?
-our consciousness
-mental health
-physical health?
-social skills?
-overall positive impact on the world and all living things
etc etc etc - tons of separate answers and different colour palettes for artwork tiles in the survey to reflect each answer and wether its a positive or a negative or a neutral response to psychoactive substances and the impact of psychedelic experiences on creativty- to make up the overall final survey artwork/image.
-mini survey in itself? more in-depth than my larger more broad one currently?
>could just word this to include all options as one answer/survey question?

How do the artwork results link to Rorschach (repetition and images seen within)
Could survey and Rorschach tests link in some way? A survey linking questions and opinions to psychoactive substances, psychoactive substance uses / impacts / effects / my survey results, creativity, psychadelic a and psychoactives AND creativity AND personality traits (what the Rorschach test is used for) to personalty traits of that person made up of what they see within their final image made up of the psychedelic answer tilesed artwork?


Does how the participants answers to my survey questions on psychoactive substances link to what they see within their artwork created? Is their personality ( conveyed by the results of what they see in the final image) influenced by their varying results tiles making up the original image with the rorschach esq image /artwork on?

                for instance: the more positive response/ opinion /view of psychedelics (and their potential inc. their impact, the participants experiences of) (shown and reflected in the artwork results to the survey by the more positive brightly coloured answer tiles)  - the more creative the personality (shown by the kind of things the participants sees within their finished Rorschach - esque "portrait" image made up of their survey answer segmented tiles and the results to the questions asked of it :
                What do you see in this image?
> A weird but more creative answer could be that which is not the normal answer for that Rorschach ink blot slid (on average. )

a “normal” more common - LESS PSYCHEDELIC - answer to being asked to look at their rorschach ink blot tests made up of their final answer tiled arrangement following answering my survey questions - should be

could swap and change tones / tiles / results / arrangements / final artworks/rorschach-esque tests and show to various participants to compare between them.
> > i.e. -

do people in general, spot less abnormal imagery within my rorschach slides that have the least colourful / dynamic aesthetic? -each rorschach slide being in the form of artwork made up up a survey participants answer tiles - who answered on the whole as having been least impacted by psychoactive substances?)

>meaning that the less impact of psychedelics on a person - the less creative, colourful, psychedelic, positive rorschach image/slide generated from their survey answers. - meaning that less abnormal imagery is seen in this final image? any correlation?


remember main Q / AIM:
do psychedelics and our experiences and understanding of them - affect our creativity?
our consciousness?
the way we respond to rorschach tests?
our personalities? (what the rorschach was originally for!)
our ability to see things in a certain way?
our ability to see positive things/negative things/cause us to respond more normally or abnormally to a rorschach ink blot test or my generated tests?
see strange things (boobs) vs expected things (bats/moths)
is it the amount of colour present in the final image / ink blot that is influencing what we are able see / our ink blot responses?

the amount of colour present (that directly links and correlates between the amount a person has been influenced by psychedelics and their opinion/view of them based on the types of answers they gave to my survey questions on the subject)
suggests VISUALLY the impact of psychedelics on that participant.

high impact of substance/more positive answers to survey questions
more positively vibrant tiles chosen
more vibrant psychedelic tiles present, making up final image/rorschach slide
more positive, artistic, psychedelic, bright aesthetic of overall final made up image / artwork / composition
shows a more positive portrayal of that participant and their overall more positive view of physchadelics/their impact and opinion of their potential

 …… does this mean that another person looking at this final vibrant + positive rorschach slide/tiled survey results…. is more likely to respond strangely to the image/see strange/odd/psychadelic shapes in the vibrant inkblot?

does this show a correlation between colour and consciousness and psychedelics? the more colour in an ink blot the more a person responds strangely / imaginatively to the rorschach and see more strange unusual things within. DOES THIS MEAN MORE COLOUR IS MORE CREATIVE?

any patterns between what they see and what others see when also looking at this slide? collate results

-or does this have no affect on what is seen / deciphered when looking at this slide as part of a roschach-esque test (and compared to other slides of a different conveyed response / opinion?)

breakdown of theory/study:

do people in general

(not just that specific participant and their individual visual rorschach response to their own individual final answers/results/artwork made up of the answer tiles chosen as a result of them partaking in my psychedelic survey)

tend to respond less strangely to / see less psychedelic abnormal imagery / have the least response too /

 (such as: strange things, boobs, penus’s etc)

within the rorschach final slide /imagery/rorschach ink blot tests /artwork / finals made up of arranged answer tiles from the survey

made up of answer tiles reflected of a participants survey question results

who answered as having least / shown to be less affected by psychedelics

who tend to see more normal things

((such as: bats, witches, figures, faces, masks, moths, skulls etc - the normal expected answers in a Rorschach ink blot test))

and how i this conveyed / show / interpret / convey / be made clear to the audience

in the visual survey results of that partaker?

(with the help of the overall arrangement of the tiles making up the rorschach artwork itself and the connotations of this and to the results obtained for that specific participant and their artwork result generated

*(i.e.: higher psychedelic impact + more positive response to substances + their potential and answers to my survey questions = more vibrant tiles making up the final image for that participant

——the more of these tiles - the more positively the participant answered - the more overall positive view of psychedelics - the higher impact psychedelics have had on that participant ——

            >VS / separate from<  

no psychedelic impact + more negative opinion of physchadelics and their potential + more negative answers to my survey q’s =B+w tiles,

__ the more of these B&W tiles present in the final overall images and rorschach test, the more negatively the participant answered in the survey - the more negative answers therefore the overall predominately colourless aesthetic and arrangement and palette  (making up the individual details/ink blots / rorschach image / slide subject) would show / convey the lesser/ least impact of psychedelics on that participant and the view they have on the substances

        >VS / separate from / separate to<

a medium psychedelic impact + more neutral outlook / unsure of / medium opinion of psychedelics and their potential = half and half coloured tiles

____ the more of these mid tiles/ 2 toned tiles (half and half palette in artwork) representing the participants survey answers with a more neutral/un-bias/unsure response to my survey questions on psychedelics - —the more neutrally coloured the overall final artwork / rorschach slide and aesthetic will look to other participants - therefore the participant answered more questions neutrally overall conveying their more neutral opinion of psychedelics on the whole.

that this and other participants are looking at. (made up of tiles reflective of answers made by a participant who answered with the least psychedelic impact) with

- for artwork

New main concept :

(Can I link in any of these other ideas / concepts somehow??-see iPhone notes for cop artwork ideas)