Context of
Practice 2
Jess Dawson
Draft Proposal
I intend to
produce an 8-12 page publication focusing on and comparing the psychological
and spiritual effects of varying psychoactive substances. The publication will
explore personal and substance specific psychedelic experiences, varying states
of consciousness, journeys and stories based upon factual information gained
from my own first hand research, surveys and story gathering/reports. Law,
censorship and propaganda has hindered scientific progression greatly and
incorrectly informed society of these substances and their potential uses. I
aim for this publication to interest, educate and inform my audience in a
creative and visually aesthetic way, hopefully helping to reduce taboos
surrounding the psychedelic experience and its value throughout history and
within creative culture today. The book will focus on the idea of change and
transition between substance and experience, physical and mental, alternate
realities/states of consciousness, non-trip to full trip state and I hope to
reflect this in the physical structure/binding of the book (for a more
immersive experience on behalf of the audience) as well as the creative visuals
themselves. This publication in no way is a promotion of illegal substances,
but is instead an educational tool which will hopefully enlighten and
communicate the importance of consciousness and creativity.
publication names:
Haze / Hazy
Wavy / Are
You Wavy?
Psycho (psilocybin)
- Getting on really well.
- Like the idea of a "journey" to link in with the psychoactive experience.
- Research & questionaire/survey - great for insporation and research data
- Interactive experience through publication structure and layout is creative, and a key element in my - CoP2 approach / resolutions
To do:
• Finalise content theme and narrow this down, i.e:
- journey / experience of a specific individual - sorty telling through visual interpretation?
- a visual representation of a creative journey whilst under vs not under the influence?
- educational?
- thought provoking?
- Like the idea of a "journey" to link in with the psychoactive experience.
- Research & questionaire/survey - great for insporation and research data
- Interactive experience through publication structure and layout is creative, and a key element in my - CoP2 approach / resolutions
To do:
• Finalise content theme and narrow this down, i.e:
- journey / experience of a specific individual - sorty telling through visual interpretation?
- a visual representation of a creative journey whilst under vs not under the influence?
- educational?
- thought provoking?