Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Dissertation notes & initial "flesh-out"

At this stage of the module I am still feeling overwhelmed with my research and sources, mainly because of the sheer amount I have collected, so much so that I don't feel entirely ready to begin writing "properly" per se. Everything is a mess and jumbled up in my head, spread out across 3 notebooks, 7 word documents (dissertation notes, dissertation notes.1, dissertation notes 1a, etc etc), 4 aptly named COP3 internet bookmark folders and of course many blog posts still in draft form. I just haven't a clue what sources/info are best to mention, what best supports my argument, how to argue my point or where it is all supposed to fit in my still very illusive dissertation structure..

Instead of becoming stunted and unmotivated with all this unorganised information, I have reverted to a tried and tested method of mine which I find really useful in getting together my main ideas and putting them into some sort of essay/argument "structure" - to make sense, everything has to start somewhere! I call this method "fleshing out" and what I do is gather the major points I am trying to say along with section/headings I want to cover and literally write as much as I can about each. More points, relevant sources, important people and facts to cover etc. The aim is a bit of a brain dump, but through doing this I often come out of the other end with some sort of epiphany or at least a much clearer head with many useful considerations down on paper.

Dissertation: Notes so far

Important persons of note and related quotes