Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Notes and Reflections - Psychedelic Art

Questions that need answering + further research into...

• What is psychedelic art trying to achieve? - Documenting a profound experience? Educating others on expanding ones consciousness and the benefits / warnings / lessons - what are these? Links to ancient cultures and practices?
• What is its purpose?
• Has psychedelic art and its purpose/meaning changed through history? (ancient culture - counter culture movement - underground art movement - now) Why?
• How is psychedelic artwork viewed in todays creative culture and why?
• How do different substances effect an artists interpretation within psychedelic art?
• Psychedelic art and its direct links to music - what are these links? Why / how do they link?
• What are the stigmas surrounding psychedelia and do these translate in the artwork form the counterculture movement? How does this affect how the artwork is received? --Do the stigmas from the movement affect how the artwork is received / perceived / valued?