Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Study Task 3: Visual Discourse Analysis

Art Meats Technology - Mads Peitersen, "The Anatomy of Gadgets" series, 2012 
After much difficulty in coming up with a question for this module based on one of the 5 themes: Culture, Society, Politics, Technology and History, I have decided to develop an essay based on the theme of Technology and its effects on society today. I would like to also explore the effects of technology on the art industry and how this has helped and/or hindered the evolution of the arts in recent history.

The image I have chosen to analyse centers around society and the effects technology is having on us in our everyday lives. The artist, Mads Peitersen, is a Danish conceptual artist and has created a very cleaver series of works on ‘Gadget Anatomy’. This piece I have chosen is called “Art meats technology” and is clearly showcasing our subconscious habit of becoming personally attached to everyday technology, in many cases treating these inanimate objects as if they were living breathing organisms. This piece of work has been painted and edited with digital software. Some pieces within the series have been commissioned by the manufacturer in question such as Apple, Nintendo, PS3 and Xbox, however to complete the series Peiterson has painted most of the images for fun and an exploration of what I think to be quite a unique idea.

The image itself depicts something organic within a cold hard inanimate shell. It is simple yet really accurate and familiar and the use of dull and metallic colours to represent the outside of the gadget as we usually see them contrasts greatly to the vibrant “living” colours we see used for the inner organs and tissue matter.  The organic workings of the anatomy has cleverly been thought out by Peitersen and linked to the specific functions of the gadget.  For instance, the buttons are linked to the inner nerve endings and moving parts are linked to muscle and bone. Each floating app has effectively been visually wired up to its respective organ, suggesting that the phone is indeed alive and feels / uses its own organs just like we do. Humanising an in-human object in this way makes clear how easy it is for us to have these subconscious and sentimental relationships with our property and what they mean to us.

Although I think Peitersen created this piece in humour and almost a homage to his love of technology and how “advanced and cool” gadgets are today, I think there is also a serious message within the work. Technology is advancing every second; a ball that has been rolling for years and doesn’t look like it will be stopping anytime soon. With this comes the harsh reality that it is hard to imagine life without that mobile phone in your pocket or life without the internet and google on your laptop or tablet. Gadgets are increasing in their intelligence daily, learning to work with our consciousness creating new applications specifically designed to improve the very senses we were born with. Life has been made easier and is now full of cheats, the world has been made smaller and more accessible and it is because of this that I feel we treat certain items as almost an extension of our own living body. To a very large extent we now rely on technology for the very basics of living, to meet new people, expand our knowledge and simply communicate with the world and everyone in it around us. New technology and its progression goes hand in hand with our consumer society and the obsessive need to keep up with trends and have the very best, latest and newest thing. Its what keeps this ball rolling.

I chose this image as I feel it really helps portray a current and very relevant issue and side to technology within society today and how its growth and progression is becoming more and more lifelike and organic and more of an extension of ourselves than just inanimate objects. This image (and the others Peitersen has created within “The Anatomy of Gadgets” series) are so striking in their boldness, accuracy and simplicity that I feel it forces us to ask the question of how we personally treat technology and these inanimate objects in our own lives. How the use of gadgets and the relationships we build with them are ultimately shaping our living experiences in this “Technological Age” and how they are becoming an extension of who we are.

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Study Task 2: Visual Research Task

Whilst researching different artwork and focusing on the subject of modern and advancing technology and its impact on todays society, I stumbled upon illustrator Mads Peitersen and his work from 2012

This series of paintings named "Art Meats Technology - The Anatomy of Gadgets" focuses on the growing intimate relationship society has with advancing technology, humanising objects, giving a sense of life and attachment to these inanimate objects that we could not possibly live without.

At this stage I am a little unsure of how to approach my chosen subject of technology, and despite there being a lot of current and popular arguments about advancements in technology as a whole and its place in society, I am unsure of how to narrow this down into something more specific. Is this topic too broad? Do I have enough grounding/knowledge in this subject to take it further?

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Study Task 1: Library Research Task

"The Perils of Progress: The Health and Environmental Hazards of Modern Technology and What You Can Do About Them" - by John Ashton & Ron Laura (1999)

Library Dewey Decimal Reference (DEW): 341.762

When visiting the library with the selection of themes in mind (Politics, Society, Culture, Technology & History), I decided to challenge myself and choose a theme I am interested in but know little about. Technology is such a large part of everyday life, not just for me but for most people in modern society. Because of this I came up with the possible idea of looking into the impact of technology on our society for this project, focusing on both the positives and negatives. Whilst digging around I came across this book and it has actually turned out to be really helpful in putting things into a realistic perspective. Ashton and Laura both challenge the common viewpoint of technology and its 'wonderful' advancements and force the reader to be unforgiving and look at how technology could be impacting our own lives and the relationships we have with the world around us, in a negative and unhealthy way.